
Wood Samples

Dimensions or amount of samples are not an impediment for the conceptualization of an ideal receptacle practically as well as aesthetically. We work with wood of all kinds and with completely varied characteristics, from different thickness of the materials inside the same support up to completely different products exhibited in the same collection of samples. We solve this type of challenges with the use of supports designed and materialized especially for every scale of samples that the client proposes to us, so they can be presented in charts of different measurement, blocks or even individualized boxes.
We work based on three types of collections of samples to satisfy the needs of the buyer:

  • Available for sale: supports already designed and prepared to contain samples with standardized dimensions and quantities.
  • Semi-personalized: ability to add elements of design provided by the client (such as the logotype or the names of the products and the trademark) to sample books already thought to contain the number of samples that are considered.
  • Completely personalized: joint work with the team of product development, from the conceptual design up to the commercial viability that will provide the collection of samples. The receptacle will be one-of-a-kind and completely adapted to the needs and to the distinguishing characteristics of the element exhibited.


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